Book Title: Sustainable and Inclusive Internationalization: Reimagining Approaches in Higher Education in an Era of Global Uncertainties

Author: York University

Book Description: Cite this publication (APA format) Balderama et al. (2021) Sustainable and Inclusive Internationalization: Reimagining Approaches in Higher Education in an Era of Global Uncertainties. York University. Toronto, ON, 2021. DOI: 10.25071/10315/38628.

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Book Information


York University




Sustainable and Inclusive Internationalization: Reimagining Approaches in Higher Education in an Era of Global Uncertainties
York University
Helen Balderama; Vinitha Gengatharan; Mario Guerrero; Charles Hopkins; Luke Li; Katrin Kohl; Marierose Talla; and Elaine Smith
Marialaura Boscan Peraza; Catherine Coquerel; Valérie Florentin; and Gillian Siemens
Beth Eden; Eliana Fleifel; Selina Greco; Althea Reyes; Andreas Rizopulos; Sally Sabaa; Humayra Safa; Mirco Stella; Sarah Waithe; and Laura Perez Gonzalez
Lucas Anastocio

Published in 2021 by York University.

Cite this publication (APA format): Balderama et al. (2021). Sustainable and Inclusive Internationalization: Reimagining Approaches in Higher Education in an Era of Global Uncertainties. York University, Toronto. DOI: 10.25071/10315/38628.

This publication was created by the Conference Organizers in conjunction with Speakers and Chairs from the Sustainable on the Go Conference 2021. It is available under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence. (CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0).

The designations employed and the presentation of material throughout this publication do no imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of York University concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.

The ideas and opinions expressed in this publication are those of the authors; they are not necessarily those of York University and do not commit the Organization.

Copy editors: Helen Balderama, Vinitha Gengatharan, Mario Guerrero, Charles Hopkins, Katrin Kohl, Luke Li, Elaine Smith, Marierose Talla.


Itzel Barrera de Diego, Hugo Cahuenas, James Simeon, Vania Ramirez-Camacho. DOI: 10.25071/10315/38628_01

Brittany Foutz, Brian Polkinghorn. DOI: 10.25071/10315/38628_02

Richard Kool. DOI: 10.25071/10315/38628_03

Translators: Marialaura Boscan Peraza, Catherine Coquerel, Valérie Florentin, Gillian Siemens.

Rapporteurs: Sally Abu Sabaa, Beth Eden, Eliana Fleifel, Laura Gonzalez, Selina Greco, Althea Reyes, Andreas Rizopulos, Humayra Safa, Mirco Stella, Sarah Waithe.

Graphic designers: Lucas Anastocio, Samuel Oh.

With support from York University Libraries: Bhashkar Deonandan, Raymond Kam-Por Shum, Anna St.Onge.

Photo credits:
p. v Photo courtesy of  York University.
p. ix. Photo courtesy of Monstera from Pexels.
p. xi Photo courtesy of Jan Weber from Unsplash.
pp. 2, 15, 27. Photo courtesy of KOBU Agency from Unsplash
pp. 40, 42, 46. Photo courtesy of Josep Martins from Unsplash.
pp. 51, 54, 56. Photo courtesy of Robert Keane from Unsplash.
p. 62. Photo courtesy of Surface from Unsplash.
p. 73. Graphics courtesy of the United Nations.

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Primary Subject
Additional Subject(s)
Higher education, tertiary education, International relations, International institutions
Publication Date
November 16, 2021
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)