Reading and annotation with Zotero
8 Generating reports from Zotero items
Kris Joseph
Reports in Zotero provide a convenient way to gather all of the associated information about an item (or items) into a single, printable document.
Learning Objectives
At the end of this module, you will be able to create and save summary reports based on Zotero items and their associated information.
Reports are simple HTML pages that give an overview of the item metadata, notes, and attachments of the selected items. You can print them, post them to the web, and email them.
The term "items" here refers to two things: bibliographic entries that have been added to your Zotero library, and attachments that may be connected with those items (for example: PDF files, web snapshots, images, and notes). This is because many of the things that you can do with bibliographic entries, such as adding tags, can also be done to attachments to entries.