Book Title: Mastering Zotero
Subtitle: Turn your citation management tool into a complete research assistant
Book Description: This five-unit course assumes you understand the basics of working with Zotero, and will turn you into a power user. Learn how to use Zotero's organization tools effectively, how to read and annotate content in a way that will keep your notes organized, how to use Zotero to support your research workflow and collaborate online, and more. Content for this course is being developed over time. The first two units are available now and additional material is being released as it is developed!
Book Information
Book Source
This book was cloned from a source that is no longer available. The source URL was This book may differ from the original.
Mastering Zotero by Kris Joseph is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.
Utilities & tools